I think we've been here for about a week. Things are coming together slowly... still don't know about Fed Ex yet but hopefully in the next few days things will be finalized. I really hope he gets the job! The Air Guard had to be rescheduled so that he could get a chest x-ray... it's required for the finalization of the physical. I still don't have a job yet but I need to remind myself we've only been a here a week and something will come up for sure. I'm starting to feel more and more comfortable in our place and it's becoming a home which is really comforting for me. We just bought a new plant for our place... it's a ginseng plant and looks like a more funky bonsai tree... you will see it in the pics... We have found that the rain here is different than the rain in NV. I imagine it to be like monsoon rains... it rains so freaking hard that it's almost unbelievable. Okay so here's some pics of our living room... it's coming along with our newly purchased IKEA furniture...
See the ginseng! Nice TV eh?
We officially have more DVDs than books right now because we got rid of so many of them. That table was a pain in the ass to put together but it turned out to be perfect for the place.
Here's me after being in the rain for literally 30 seconds...
You can't tell how completely wet he is but it was REALLY funny...
K I will keep you posted on our progress... wish us luck in finding jobs!!!
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