Thursday, August 4, 2011

And we arrive...

Farmington, NY to Albany, NY... 209 miles... and then the next day... Albany, NY to Providence, RI...163 miles...

Pictures first...

Dunkin' Donuts!

Some cool building in Albany

Some burned building in Albany

Getting closer...

Yes we do need to clean the windshield

Last state we have to drive through

Does everyone just burp all the time?


I can't believe we made it...

At this point I started getting butterflies in my stomach... maybe it was just gas? I don't know...

Providence from afar...

Here we are!!!!!!


So we pulled into Providence yesterday and it has been a bit overwhelming in that we didn't plan anything as far as a place to stay until we find an apartment. We went downtown and looked at 2 apartments but one was a bit out of our price range while the other was a crap hole. Today we looked at a lot of places and finally after we were ready to give up and start again tomorrow we thought we'd try one more place and turns out we loved it! It is in an older building and the apartment looks similar to our last one in Reno except even better... hardwood floors... essentially 2 bedroom... nice kitchen and bathroom... also it's in a good part of town and walking distance to a lot of places. We went to breakfast at a place call JJ Spoonems... it was recommended to us as the best place in RI to get corned beef hash... and I must say it was, indeed, some of the best corned beef hash I've had to date... and decently priced. Then we went to a place called Julian's for lunch... turns out I look like every girl that works there... so I got an application just in case the medical stuff doesn't work out right away. One of the questions on the application is "Do you believe in magic?" and I'm thinking, "hell yeah I do... HARRY POTTER MAGIC!" and then another question is "what is your spirit animal?"... that's a tough question... I'm thinking I may answer that as a golden retriever... ha ha ha ha ha...

So tonight we are staying at the Comfort Inn in Warwick and let me just say... the staff sucks. Super unfriendly and unhelpful... they told Cory his credit card was denied but turns out they entered it as the wrong type of credit card... idiots! But I can't complain it was only $40 for tonight and they are the first people we've encounter thus far that have been complete dicks. Most of the people that we've come across have been incredibly kind... I'm glad about that....

We found a good local beer... it's called Narragansett and could probably be easily compared to a PBR or something along those lines... 5.98 for a six pack. Woo hoo! 

Drivers here are aggressive to say the least but they get things done... it's kind of havoc on the streets sometimes but the rush hour we saw was nothing compared to 80 and 395 in Reno at rush hour time... maybe it's cause people here don't drive like morons? I don't know... although, I'm not going to lie... I still haven't myself driven in town. 

Cory has to report to the Air Guard on Saturday and I'm kind of nervous about what I'm going to be doing all day... I'll probably just send out a lot of resumes... 

Things are good and I'm feeling positive... I'm definitely feeling scared and now sort of understand why people say that we are brave for going somewhere completely foreign to us... I can't wait to move into our place because I'm tired on the hotel/koa living... I need my own place. It shouldn't be to hard to move in as all we have is the backseat and trunk full of stuff... it will be rather empty in the apartment for a while. 

I think that I'm going to continue this blog because I've been getting a lot of good feedback from you and feel like I'm taking everyone along for the ride. Thank you to all of you for your support and for reading this... it's nice to know I'm not speaking blindly into cyberspace...

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